The inventor of the modern implant is the Swedish orthopedic surgeon Branemark. In 1952, Branemark and his team began examining the leg bones of rabbits in their titanium-coated microscope, and when they wanted to clean bone samples at the end of their research, they noticed that the bone and titanium had fused. In the light of this information, they enabled the use of implants in modern medicine.
With a quality implant system and a doctor who knows the bone well, implant operations are extremely successful today. However, the patient’s general systemic discomfort, poor oral hygiene, long-term alcohol use and chronic smoking reduce the success of implant treatments. However, problems related to the care of such patients negatively affect all operations.
It can never be said that implants harm the body. Because implants have been used for some purposes in medicine, orthopedics and cardiac surgery for years. Dental implants are made of titanium, and the quality of titanium (there is a globally accepted quality standard) is very important. Private laboratories and production centers where implants are made must comply with certain quality principles.
Dental implants are now accepted systems all over the world with the principle of safety and treatment.
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