In Turkey and the world over, dentists educated in the field of implant dentistry can give this treatment. Implant courses are given through various specalist occupational centers or college education. Implant dentistry is a very detailed field that requires continuous education. There are very successful dentists giving implant treatment in Turkey. Dentists can also offer implant dentistry courses and education programs abroad or at home, thereby helping to develop their profession.
Today, implants are an inseparable part of dentistry. A point for patients who want to get implants to consider is sterilization. With a successful team and a sterilized environment you will, no doubt, have use your implants for many years.
Patients Who Cannot Use Dental Implants
Patients whose oral hygiene is poor, who do not brush their teeth, are not patient enough to wait for the bone formation process to complete or understand the importance of implant treatment cannot have implant treatment. In addition, patients with systemic disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, patients who use excessive alcohol and cigarettes, who are pregnant or have hemophilia, cannot have implant treatment. Patients who have had radiotherapy theraby of over 5000 millirems have to wait for two years from the end of their treatment. Patients with hemophilia and patients who take cortisone or have taken cortisone over a long period of time cannot recieve implant treatment. In earlier years, patients who had excessive bone loss could not get the treatment but today, with the use of bone grafts, jawbone can be treated for implant application.
Do I Feel Pain During The Implant Procedure?
Dental implants are placed in your jawbone under local anesthesia. Thus, you do not feel pain during the procedure. You may feel pain when the effects of the local anesthesia goes wears off after 3 to 4 hours. Every patient feels this pain to varying degrees but is never unbearable. Your dentist will prescribe painkillers to reduce the pain.